Download and complete the following form below and send the form to info@traininginc.ca if you would like to request a change to the name printed on your certificate.
Legal Photo Documentation (i.e.: passport, drivers license, permanent residency card, etc.) of the new name and the previous name must be provided in order for us to process this request.
One of the greatest complements a current student or graduate can give a school is to tell their friends and family about our programs. If you know anyone who would like to advance their professional development and gain new skills through education, refer them to us.
You’ll receive $50 CASH after your friend has registered, been approved, and started class.
Refer a friend for Training:
- Health Care Aide
- Office Assistant Program
- Security Professional Training
Alberta.ca Account is “a free account that lets you prove who you are online without paper documents or face-to-face visits.” It also “gives you seamless access to a growing range of government sites and services, while protecting your information and privacy.” To create your account, click on the link below:
“MyPass Alberta is an Alberta Education self-service website for students.” To login or sign up, click on the link below:
Lookup ASN “enables you to look up an Alberta Student Number.” To request your Alberta Student Number, click on the link below:
Alberta Student Number Request
Training Inc will accept the following payment methods:
Most RESP’s are released to the account holder. Check with your bank on what they require to release the funds. If you require a confirmation of enrollment letter, you must make a request to your Admissions/Intake Officer.
Please email the information relating to the funding you are receiving and the BAND approval letter to the finance manager at finance@traininginc.ca
The Government of Alberta is currently offering a grant to current and future Health Care Aide students. For more information on the available grant and eligible requirements, click on the link below:
Alberta Health Care Aide Bursaries
Canada Post gives $2,000 grants. Apply for the educational grant by clicking on the link below:
Awards for Indigenous Students
Planning on going back to school or want to gain new skills through training? Explore the following resources to help you make the right decisions for you.
Need help creating your resume?
Training Inc. offers a Resume Outline Form that can be easily filled out. Click on the link below to download the form:
Call the nearest Training Inc. office to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors.
Looking for employment opportunites?
Explore the following websites to help you on your way.
T2202’s are tuition tax receipts issued to all students for *tuition and applicable mandatory fees related to the calendar year (January-December). They show the amount of tuition and applicable fees that can be deducted for income tax purposes.
*greater than $100.00 in a calendar year
The Registrar’s Office will be reaching out to previous eligible students via email to help complete the tax information slip. This is in compliance to the Canada Revenue Agency’s mandate stiuplated in Subsection 237(1) of the income Tax Act.
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will require all designated educational institutions in Canada to file T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificates forms with the CRA and to make them available to students by February 28 by the following or current year.
To prepare your T2202 form, Training Inc. requires sensitive information, such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN). This is in compliance to the Canada Revenue Agency’s mandate stiuplated in Subsection 237(1) of the Income Tax Act.
In order to meet this federal requirement, Training Inc. will be requesting sensitive information such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN) during the registration process. Sensitive information will be stored securely and will only be used for federally approved purposes.
There are changes in Federal and Provincial tax regulations for education and tuition amounts. Students with questions need to refer to the link below:
Canada Revenue Agency Documentation
T2202 forms will be available at Training Inc. after February 28 of the current year. They can be mailed on request or emailed.
The form appears blank because mobile users must download the PDF viewer app for their device in order to view the tax receipt.
The total amount of tuition fees paid may not necessarily correspond to your T2202 because not all tuition and applicable fees are eligible for a tax credit. Your T2202 is based on the calendar year (January – December) not the academic year (September – August) that the courses were taken.
If individual course(s) span two calendar years, normally tuition is allocated to the term the course starts. For example, if your semester starts in September 2022 and ends in February 2023, the tuition fee credit will normally be allocated to the 2022 tax year.
Yes.New full-time students who paid a deposit for entry to their program have that deposit applied to their tuition amount.
If your employer paid your tuition and fees directly to Training Inc., you will not receive a T2202 form.
You can request an official transcript by completing the following form below and sending it to info@traininginc.ca
Official Transcript Request Form
Official Transcript: An official transcript is the vocational school certified statement of your academic record. The official paper transcript is printed and contains the School seal and signature of the School Registrar. It includes all courses taken, grades received, and all credentials that may have been earned at the school.
Unofficial Transcript: An unofficial transcript is an unofficial copy of your academic history at the school. It can be printed off directly from your Student Portal.
If you are graduating from your program, the normal processing time of 5 business days does not apply. It may take up to 8 weeks from your course end date in your program to finalize your graduation request.
The time period in which you request your transcripts is extremely important. If you request transcripts in the middle of the program, your grades for that course will not be reported and the grades on your transcript will only say “in progress”. Your grades will only appear at the end of the term when your final grades have been entered. Final grades are entered 5-7 business days after the end date of each course.
Please note that if you have any outstanding fees to the School you will not be able to request any official documents. You will need to clear up your outstanding student account before they will be issued. Please contact the Accounts Office at 403-320-5100 if you have any questions about your student account.
If your contact information, including address, date of birth, or other relevant information in your student file is incorrect, there may be a delay in releasing your transcripts. Please contact info@traininginc.ca or visit the office if you believe the information in your student file may be incorrect.
If you have any questions about your official student record, please email info@traininginc.ca